Some companies do not allow employees to hold jobs outside of their current full-time employment, some do. What kind of policy do you have in place for this? Does it depend on the employee/the other job/their position?

Does your company have a policy regarding your employees' employment outside the company?
It definitely depends on the employee and the situation, but at our firm we allow employees to do outside work if it 1) does not break any part of their non-compete 2) does not interfere with their workload. I have seen employees take on small side projects that give them a new skill or new perspective that relates/transfers to their full-time position, which ultimately benefits us. So if a person's side-job is providing some sort of new training or education that can help their
Just be weary of time consuming ongoing hourly part-time jobs. I could see that burning a person out, causing both jobs to suffer.
Here are three example policies, which give a good idea of some of the issues others have wrestled with:
Best... Sarah
Caution: "Depends on the employee and situation"
It's nice to treat employees individually. But doing so can open you up to disparity of treatment claims which are the "proof" provided in most discrimination lawsuits. Be careful!
We have a similar policy in place which also includes participation in advisory boards as well. As with anything, balance is key. Our policy reinforces that the employee's primary responsibility is to the company and work outside of the company is acceptable within reason.
There are important, state employment laws regarding this very subject. The appropriate answer depends on what state you are employing in. It's best to contact your state DOL to see what law and regs are in your particular state.
Ditto for non-compete clauses.
All good advice. Also consider the following:
1. Moonlighting while on FMLA. The
2) Performance & Safety. When employees are working in excess of 14 hours/24 hour period and/or 60 hours/week their performance often degrades and fatigue adversely affects employee performance which negatively impacts customer and employee satisfaction. This is measured in higher OT, burnout, job dissatisfaction and disengagement.