We are thinking of changing to a PTO system. But what about our staff who usually take their vacations early in the year, say February or March? How do we keep from having lots of staff out in November and December (the busiest time of year here) simply because it took them that long to build up a substantial amount of vacation time?

In terms of PTO: What about January?
A little more detail on the PTO system would help; for example, are you doing annual resets at January 1, and then making people accrue new hours before taking them at a "use it or lose it" limit at the end of the year?
Assuming that is the case, I have a couple options for making this work smoothly.
1) Let people go negative. If they take 2 weeks in January then leave, in theory they owe you the money back (not worth chasing). I've never minded having people owe me time...and this is especially important with new hires who have vacation plans when you hire them. Why have the Disney holiday they've been promising their kids for the last year be the reason they won't take the job?
2) Just grant the block of PTO at the re-set point. People get two weeks per year? Then as of Jan 1 grant it. I'd make an exception for new hires (say three months for the grant to vest). In this case if they take all their vacation in Jan and leave...oh, well. The lost time is what it is, and is probably the least of your worries.
Dealing with the Nov/Dec (in light of the two ideas above) is a
Good points, Keith. Allowing for a negative balance is a feature worth having. Also, to mitigate the problem of seasonal 'rush for the doors' in December in advance of 'expiring' PTO, we converted this year from Jan. 1 to an 'anniversary date' (date of hire) for our use-it-or-lose-it measurement date (i.e., all hours above 40 will be forfeited as of each EE's anniversary date). Save for a couple transition issues for people whose anniversary date was close to the announcement date for the new policy, this went off rather smoothly and now the dates are evenly distributed throughout the year.
A note for any company setting up a "use it or lose it" policy. Be sure to check with the individual State laws regarding this issue. Policies must be structured around these mandates.
I agree with Cathy. CA is a state you can't "take away" PTO. So we have had to cap our accrual. Example once you are at 80 hours over your limit you stop accruing any PTO at all. FYI this works because we accrue PTO monthly and our max rollover is 80 hours.
Thanks for the insight; this helps. We had thought keeping January 1 as our anniversary date would be simpler, but the nature of church work is to have lots of overtime in December with dry spells in the summer. Using dates of hire as our anniversary date might alleviate some of our "use it or lose it" issues. Thanks.
Our company gives everyone 40 hours of PTO on Jan 1 and vacation time is accrued throughout the year. We have black out dates by department, depending upon work flow,so we do not have whole departments gone during our busiest times. I definitely agree with Keith that it is up to the managers to be aware of their employees PTO/vacation hours and encouraging people to take it.
Keith stated this well. You have to determine and manage how many hours you can allow people to take off. That is the essence of your question. A PTO or vacation system is still dependant on good management of what time is allowed to be taken
The only thing that I will add to this discussion is whatever you do, make sure the policy is in line with your actions during the transition. Keith's suggestions are great.
Transitions for PTO or Sabbatical can be very difficult on the
If this is a pure mathematical calculation, the best thing to do is have the payroll or
Before you make a decision, pull the controller and the
We allowed a 12 month transition period for those who had a balance over the new PTO policy carry over cap with "use-it-or-lose-it" condition. At the 6 month mark, we ran reports for each of the performance managers so they could manage the work schedules to allow for the time off. We agreed as business we didn't want to payout the accrued time.