One hears quite a bit about “

Risk Mitigation - What Is The Formal Process?
Very general question --
IP - start with a lawyer that specializes in that field.
Compliance is relative to your industry. A compliance expert at GM would be very different from a compliance expert at J&J.
Currency Risk - there have been volumes written on this subject. Your risk has a relationship to your level of activities.
There are internal activities that should be pursued from a company standpoint.
What type of framework and in what industry are you most interested?
Our company manufactures specialized equipment for oil exploration. Thus the IP, compliance and currency risk mitigation interests. Thanks!
Though your issue is quite common, without a clear context, framework and analysis there is little we can do to assist you.
Risk mitigation is usually the last step and/or included in the action plan in a formal (Enterprise)
You have mentioned intellectual property, compliance and currency as your risk domains but you haven't stated the specific risks (and their associated probabilities and impacts) within each one.
Eg. Intellectual property: the probability and impact of someone using your idea/methods/
The first two types of risk could potentially be resolved in collaboration with legal experts and the last in combination with your bank and chartered
Furthermore, it's also very important to understand your organisation's culture and appetite for risk. The latter is it's imperative in order to understand what the risks are and what you can do ultimately accepting/not accept them.
Remember: You can control the process but not the outcome. Control the process and the results will be favourable over the long run.
I hope this helps and good luck,