Would you recommend RocketLawyer or Legal Zoom for an early stage start-up?
No - get top-notch legal advice for entity selection & setup, key contracts, option plan, etc. It will cost a bit more up front but will save you thousands if not millions later if it done correctly. There are many great security / transaction attorneys who will work for reduced fees and even equity when helping a startup.
Kent - sage advice worth heeding!!!
You should be able to set up the company and related docs for $5k- follow Kent's advice and don't go on the cheap at set up.
If you are just looking for business documents try Docracy, if you are looking for document
Can't resist adding my enthusiastic support for the advice above. Spend a little money up front to get yourself set up correctly. And Kent is right, many well known firms have programs in place specifically to assist new companies out of the gate for reduced fees (great for client acquisitions).