The company I work for put together a short list of bonuses to be paid. The payroll was run although the direct deposit had not hit the employees bank accounts. One employee resigned due to her fiance accepting a position in another state. She is not leaving until August. The ownership withdrew the bonus. Looking for thoughts and feelings on this situation.

Should bonus have been with withdrawn?
Unless it is in writing, your owner can do anything. However, if hit that persons account and this person was promised a bonus, they I don't think you will have much luck getting the money back. I am not a lawyer but a promise to pay whether in verbal or written is a contract.
Not enough info to make a determination on legality but....
The internal damage to morale will cost them more than the bonus.
The question that will be asked over and over again "can I or should I trust the company?"
Even though you are in the finance department and privy to confidential information, this decision will find its way through the rest of the company. Ownership just told the rest of the company to look out only for themselves. The concept of giving advance notice (more than 2 weeks) to help with a transition is not in the employee's best interest. They can look forward to more last minute notices in the future, given the day after payment is received.
Of course,
If it's for past performance, the employee should be due her bonus. After all, she worked for it. I agree that taking it away will certainly hurt morale and cause more last minute resignations. No more are the days of loyalty between an employee and employer.
Definitely poor form by ownership, legality and documentation status aside. The employee delivered on what they were supposed to, or else they would not have earned the bonus. Ownership should have delivered on its word as well.