Has your company incorporated social media into your hiring practices? Is it useful or just more confusing?
I consider LinkedIn to be social media; so, yes.
Pushing out "we're looking for XYZ" over social networks is also helpful in driving more traffic to apply, if that is your goal.
Slippery slope. Hiring decisions should be based on the person's ability to do a job only. But if I post a position using social media and applicants respond using social media, does that open up all social media to review? But unless the person has a unique name, by the way I do, can you be sure you are looking at their information? Regardless of these questions - check with your state regarding what you can and can't do.
I agree, Regis. There are a lot of good debates going on around this topic, too. Although I believe social media (FB, Twitter, etc.) may allow you to see a side of them that won't easily come out in the interview or after several months on the job, it may also create stereotypical preconceptions, etc. However, I do believe LinkedIn would be the great place to look for additional info on a serious candidate.