Looking for suggestions on companies that provide escrow services for software. I have Iron Mountain, can you suggest other reputable options and what they may cost? The software in question is designed for a niche vertical and the company that developed it is a small (< 5 people), private entity.
Software Escrow options
We have escrowed source code with a local attorney. Updated on a quarterly basis. Code can be released upon a "business failure". Escrowing becomes more problematic if you are using agile development methodologies where the code pushes are more frequent and the software is accessed as SaaS. In those cases, we escrowed the individual developers names, addresses and phone numbers. They are then free to support the code to a client in the event that the employer went out of business for some reason. We had to adjust our non-disclosure agreement with our software engineers to make sure they could do this without fear of litigation.
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