I was just starting out on this job and only recently have the company set me up with the basic benefits such as company phone, laptop etc but there were a lot of discrepencies on their part and via the agency who informed me of the placement such as

I have just finished a temporary job that I was working on for under a fortnight. Do I bother to put this on my C.V or not.
A resume is primarily used to show your experience. However, when you are offered a job, it becomes the primary document used to confirm employment history, education history and seek references. If you do not wish a prospective employer to call this company, exclude.
2 weeks is too small a time frame to worry about, but should that time frame increase and you start doing small jobs you might want to put "consulting" to fill the slot and provide some of the firms should someone ask.
I would add temporary assignments for two reasons-one to explain gap two if it adds value or enhances the story...
Stop, take a really deep breath and reconsider the lengthy explanation you provided. It is a perfect example of TMI (too much information). If you made those comments to me during an interview, I would most likely end the interview then and there. Think carefully about how you can describe this and other experiences in more positive terms. What did you contribute and/or what did you learn that built your skill set for a future employer?
Your resume should reflect years at each employer, not months and years. Strive to be truthful, provide information pertinent to your ability to perform in a new job and to avoid misleading resume readers and interviewers. But, adequate disclosure does not require you to share every detail of your life or work history. You had a two week assignment, which can be safely ignored on your resume. If the subject arises, a sufficient "reason for leaving" is simply that the actual job did not match what was offered in several important respects. Saying more will only cause headaches for you.
But, as Wayne suggests, if you string together multiple temp jobs or projects, it's good to include that information, perhaps in a more general way, on a resume. It answers the question about what you have been doing with your time other than "looking for a job." Such assignments could also expand your skills and experience into new areas that might be valuable to prospective employers. It will be up to you to demonstrate that value to the interviewer.
" I was eventually let go as they could see how exhausting it was for me"... Company did not hire you for your benefit. They do not let you go because it is exhausting for you unless your performance is not up to par. I agree with Jim that if I hear this during an interview, I would end it there. You can say you decided to leave or agreed to part ways but not in words that you have stated.
I think Jim has it perfectly - what contribution did you bring to each engagement? Time does not matter. In the future there will not be "jobs" only opportunities. Each of us will seek a place where we can add value to a situation, whether for an hour or a year. Look around and seek the opportunity.
Sorry to hear that, but my first impression upon reading this was that you may want to polish your writing.