Can anyone recommend a time management course that would be good for a

Time management course for finance?
Why not teach her what a "Tickler File" is, and reinforce the financial penalties for failure to file. Add to this a check-off sheet so that she doesn't miss items in the monthly close.
If she can't manage after these tools are introduced/reinforced, maybe she really isn't Controller material...
I have heard the term but I was not familiar with this concept. I have investigated and I just ordered such a file folder system.
Thank you.
Can also be done with any computer calendar system, such as Outlook or iCal.
Good luck!
The issue may not be a time
If nothing I wrote relates to your situation...a calendar sounds good.
Sounds like Gilda Radners' SNL's Roseanne Roseannadanna closing line in every skit:
"Never Mind..." LOL!
I picked up an older book, "Managing Management Time" by William Oncken, at a library sale, and am re-reading it. It has some great ideas on time management as a manager. The company also offers seminars at
This is great stuff guys. I love that I can get this kind of feedback here.
That's the concept :) and compared to LinkedIn (where you can occassionaly also get good info) it's without all the SPAM !