Does anyone know a good place to find real VC pitch decks? Any resource online?
Does anyone know a good place to find real VC pitch decks? Any resource online?
Proformative offers a great compilation of vc pitch decks here:
Note that different companies require different pitches (well illuminated by the above link), and;
The presenter matters dramatically (the deck should match your style), and;
The deck isn't the pitch. The pitch is your story (and the deck should double as pretty pictures to illuminate the story); the deck is the cliff notes to remind people of what they saw and to draw the biz plan for someone who hasn't heard your pitch.
Also included is an example of Caanan's "how your deck must be structured" tutorial.
Note that this one, although great as a general case, *is Caanan specific*. Each audience has their own style of listening, so you will absolutely need different decks and pitches for different audiences. Some want the details (eg 20 slides), some want the story with the details in backup (5 slides).
To illustrate the second, Dave McClure did a presentation a while back on such a latter, core-message pitch. Even if you never present at this level, distilling it down to this level is (imho) important as you need to be able to explain your story in this manner. It is also a great exercise.
I just genericized and uploaded here at Proformative a: VC pitch deck template that I have successfully used many times.
Proformative is offering a
Added another pitch deck here: