A friend just told me that Western CPE has filed chapter 11. I have used them for years. What should I do with my CPE certificates from them, and who should I look at next for CPE?

Western CPE going bankrupt - what should I do with my CPE?
I would print out ALL your certs before they disappear and you lose them.
You can also check out Illumeo at illumeo.com and they have more courses and cost less....
Don't forget our hosts Proformative gives CPE Webinars and such...
Recently registered for Eli Financial webinar, I enjoyed the webinar and It was a very good program with a very knowledgeable speaker.
I agree with Wayne, Illumeo is a great way to go. Something like 1,000 CPE courses (plus live webinars) and great actual content, not just the downloadable pdfs written a decade ago that put you to sleep. Also, they're really affordable for what you get. I tell my CPA friends that it's AICPA quality at 'blue plate special' pricing :). www.illumeo.com. Of course the AICPA is another option, but it's more than twice as expensive for roughly half the courses and fewer features, and the Illumeo instructors are in many cases better (or in some cases it's the same folks).