The investor owns 40%, while the 3 founders own 60%. Thank you.
What are the percentage guidelines for issuing stock options in an early stage, seed money(from a family office fund), life science company?
More specifics would be helpful. Are you looking for the size of the entire option pool, the size of grants for particular titles, the split between founders, investors and others, or something else? Lot of ground to cover here.
For starters, I typically look at how many people the company will be hiring between "now" and the next estimated funding event. At a minimum you will want to create an option pool that can take you to that next round given reasonable assumptions. Frequently I find that this is in the neighborhood of 10% of outstanding shares. But you can build an equity model right in to your headcount growth model and build your own estimate. The biggest hits are for senior execs, so spend extra time considering your hiring for e-staff.
Option grants vary by stage of company and factors specific to the person being hired. Rock stars get more than first timers, etc., so individual grants to, say, a VP of
As for position-by-position guidelines, those are tough to come by unless your fundign source has something or unless you pay a firm for it.