what is the best and cost effective accounting program with integration of document management system for small to medium company bookeeping
Need more details for a quality answer. Are you are looking for a bookkeeping system or something with a true routing & approval process like an SAP?
J.D. Floyd
There are several options depending on more info, perhaps requirements may vary pr client? In the SMB market there are a few players that you should consider, BPaaS to name one.
Intacct financials for accounting and docAssist for document
We work with growth stage companies exclusively, which encompasses rank startups to mature ramping enterprise. And, of course, some don't grow. Our goal is to avoid the
To continue this thread, any other suggestions as to what SaaS ERP platform would be best for a small start-up "client accounting service" service provider? I have to put a stake in the ground pick one system to start. Target clients would be venture back