Another good question from LinkedIn based on an article on "Grumpy Old Accountants"

What does it really take to be a great CFO?
Can you tell me where I can read the "Grumpy Old Accountants" article?
The following attributes are a pretty good start and reflects a balance of technical and soft skills.
• A strong commercial sensibility
• Deep understanding of the business
• Good with people
• Able to think strategically
• Excellent communication skills
— the ability to translate complex issues in a simple, straightforward way
• Able to manage conflict well
• A problem solver, not creator
• International experience
• Language skills
• Experience of running major projects
• A business analyst
• Able to manage stress and complexity under pressure
• Good health
• Operational experience
• Ability to adapt to change
• Ability to handle adversity
• Passion
This comes from a recent survey of CFOs -- sorry I am not able to provide the source.
That's a great, comprehensive, answer, David. I would focus especially on two that are not typically associated with CFOs: communication and passion. I find these to be the most important of that list of very important things. Maybe a way to look at this is that the others on the list (IMHO) are the "ante" to being a
Your question got me thinking about the role of the CFO and I dug up a briefing note from a
Thanks for the link to the grumpy accountants too!
Len -
Happy to agitate to little grey cells, mon ami :)