What factors are most critical to evaluate when deciding to sell your business?
It depends on the type of business and business model and the buyer. If you are a start-up, the buyer would look at your IP, customer relationships and potential of revenue. In this market it would like to see some success. The buyer would also look at the market potential and your competition and assess if you can be successful. The more mature the business is, the more important cash flow generations will become.
If the buyer will operate you as a stand-alone business then your mid-manager level employees will be a key asset and probably they will require that a certain percentage of your workforce will accept an offer under the new
Please feel free to ask more specific questions.
I agree with Evelyn, and would add EBITA, industry, industry trends, the level of sophistication of the client company and the quality of their books.
Assuming you are a profitable middle market company: here are few things to consider to maximize value: EBITDA, thin balance sheet (low WC, low CapX), sales growth, quality of earnings, ability to forecast and achieve it, management depth, reducing
Among critical factors are:
1 Motive to sell: what stakeholders...primary investors and mgt. team... expect/desire to accomplish and how selling may enable you to do so
2 Musts from sale: $$$, control, roles, relationships...plus the 'not acceptables'
3 How sale may influence...+/-...strategy, growth, competitive position, customer relations, staffing, etc.
4 What business would be like if sell....or not sell