Since the

What percentage of your time is spent externally and what percent internally
Arlyne, it is in spurts (sometimes a whole week outside) and depending again on the need of the company. I would say on the average, it is about 5-10 percent. But what striked me most is when you said "versus time spent in the office working with finance exec staff." The past few years, I have made it a goal to spend at least a few hours a week outside the "finance staff bubble". Warehouse, spending time with sales people, etc. There was even a time when I accompanied a salesperson on a client visit. First hand information about what is really happening in your company outside the reports that you see everyday are just.....invaluable.
I am pleased to learn that you are reaching across divisions/departments. This additional knowledge and experience is so important for a senior executive, and not enough people do what you do. Thanks for answering me.
I agree with Emerson. My peak times are generally around benefit and insurance renewal times. We always shop carriers and it can
The typical formula if there is one is this: The CFO looks externally while the controller looks internally. A back to back arrangement. You dimension this by what your strategic goals are for next cycle. If you are planning to grow 100M in revenue in 2 years then the CFO will be the best advocate and driver to get the business funded and work with the CEO and
Thanks o much or sharing your answer with me - I think you are correct that ideally this
should be the arrangement. Unfortunately, I've found great variance including CFOs who micro-manage the accounting department, and CEOs who believe that accounting is what a CFO does - and so hires people who should not have risen higher than the rank of controller.
I am still curious to learn from others what their experience is in this ratio.