At what point is it appropriate to disclose a disability to a potential employer?
Disability is such an aboard word. I think the now legal determinant is a) are they able to perform the usual tasks connected with the job description and b) will they need special accommodation.
It neither apply, then one doesn't need to divulge.
I apologize for the typo's, but many times I use my iPhone to answer/ask questions....
Example: aboard s/b abused :)
I agree with Wayne. If there isn't a reason, why does it seem necessary.
Yes, I agree with Wayne and Christie. If it doesn't apply, then one doesn't need to divulge; however, divulging mental illnesses regardless of job responsibilities continues to be a hot topic.
I agree with Wayne and would add if and/or when it affects your work or job performance. I've worked with people that have medical conditions that just mean they may need an extra day off here and there so being open about it allows us to be flexible. As a manager it also prevents me from jumping to conclusions about why someone is taking off more days than average so we can make sure the employee is happy and healthy and taken care of first and then deal with extra time off or having people help out with the work itself.