Several small business companies much like mine do not host weekly or monthly quoting and billing practices training. In this fast-paced environment, the focus is on utility rather than tracking the quality or fairness of the billing to clients. It is very difficult to manage or control every billable resource to ensure each minute activity is being billed or the estimates generated are fair. Are there tools out there to help an organization establish some sort of billing template or catalogue to assist in-experienced consultants or employees with gauging appropriate estimate and billing levels?

What tools can a professional services firm implement to manage estimates & billing in a subjective billing culture
I think that if you don't "host weekly or monthly quoting and billing practices training" or discussions on what the "norms" could/should/would be then getting software won't help.
A time and billing package will gauge how many billable/non-billable hours were recorded.
Using project management could budget the number of hours expected to be spent on each task or project.
But in the end, you need to build up a knowledge-base of "norm".
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Risk Management