In another thread, Mark Richards brought up a very interesting point: "...- then you need to see how closely the role description matches the CEO's views. What is written and what is possible can often be quite different - so while the CEO may say they want more help, ensure they will let you perform the duties in the role." So who does write the specs? Do they actually confer with the hiring manager and represent the realistic? Are they couched in wishful thinking based on faulty assumptions, imbued culture. Can you or anyone actually perform all the roles and if not, what is your ability to fill-out your department. As the

Who is actually writing the Job Specs?
You absolutely must understand the expectations of the role you are filling. Every CEO will have their own methods and requirements. What makes someone special and unique to the role is having the ability to stay one step ahead of the game and bring innovative ideas to the table. In my industry and I believe for a lot in our super tech savvy vastly changing world, the role of the CFO is evolving, which is exciting!
Candidates for positions in most companies have always been hired based upon their hard skills, a resume that is not always accurate or researched and a generic based job description. In order to create a validated, bias-free integrated job benchmark It is important to understand why the job exists, how success in the job is measured, the history of the position and how it fits the company strategy. Key job accountabilities need to be defined, prioritized, weighed and ranked by their importance and time requirements. The next step would be to identify the behaviors, motivators, competencies and acumen using Subject Matter Experts, people within the organization that have a direct connection to the job, to create a benchmark for the position. A talent assessment on the same scale as the job can then identify the characteristics an individual brings to the job which will allow the company to easily match the best talent to the job benchmark for the best job fit.