Do you have an in-house person manage/maintain the website? Or do you outsource to a contractor?
Who maintains your company's website?
A blend. I know that doesn't help.
With the media companies I support, some of them do it all in house, but that is very rare. With the less-media focused (but still techie) companies, outsourcing gets more significant. Going quickly through the tiers:
Hosting: 100% outsourced
Structure / Maintenance of structure: 90% out
Design and implementation (pretty pictures, layout): 90% out
SEO: 100% out (with the exception of my SEO companies, who do outsource pieces of this).
We outsourced it's design, hosting and maintenance. Cheaply. Well, our know-it-all
And IMHO, it shows. Our website is lousy. Complicated and difficult to navigate.
Others here say the same thing. :-)
We have several people who help maintain out website.
They all have certain parts of the website that they take care out.
We have a mix of in-house and outsourced employees that keep it up to speed.
I feel it is best to have multiple people keep our site maintained and delegate sections so one person does not have to worry about everything...because there are a lot of moving parts to a website, especially if you want to help your business succeed.