Hi Everyone, I just thought of this today after going thru workers comp audit. The

Workers Comp Class Codes
You have to have a better understanding of the work performed by the Controller, but in general a Controller as the traditional
This is correct unless he is an officer of the company. The tricky part often comes when the office worker spends a lot of time in a factory or production facility as the WC board argues for the higher category. This is a common issue and in more than 40 years as a CFO or Controller I have always put Controllers in the 8810 category and this has never been an issue. Was there some specific issue that was raised regarding this classification?
You are lucky. This is the lowest rated code. I am not surprised as typically the controller would be office based doing nothing more dangerous that risking paper cuts!
Thank you for everyone's responds. I'm sorry I didn't explain the situation very well. In Payroll, we classify her as officer because she is a controller (aka Financial Control Officer). Now in the WC Codes, isn't she should be classified as such as well?
Also, few months ago when I inquire to the CFO about her role as officer (we have to report it in our
If you are organized as a corporation, you have a board of directors. Typically, President, Secretary and
Your Controller reports to a CFO, who may be an officer depending how the company is organized. However, the Controller is almost certainly not an officer since she is not the #1 finance person. As mentioned earlier, 8810 is one of the lowest rated codes and is generally appropriate for office staff, including a Controller.