Human Capital

  • AICPA membership cost vs benefits - to renew or not?

    Wondering how many of you are members of the AICPA, and for those that are, can you tell me what benefit you receive?  I can’t seem to find the value anymore.

  • CMA vs CFA for a banker?

    I’m a European banker working in Bahrain in a wholesale bank branch (older off-shore license). In a nutshell, in my 11 years experience, I worked for top-tier banks with 3 years financial analyst (rating with a comprehensive financial analysis report for assessing the commercial customers’ loan lin…

  • CFO SMART Objectives/Goals

    Dear All, I work in the FMCG Distribution industry and I am in the process of setting my SMART Objective/Goals for the coming year. I highly appreciate sharing some ideas with me. Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely Thanks in advance.

  • How to become CFO

    5 years ago I was a financial controller in corporate accounting and made a career plan to get closer to the business in order to understand how a finance professional can add more value to a company. Now 5 years later I have been a business controller at divisional headquarters and am currently si…

  • VP Finance bonus plans...

    I have been tasked with creating a bonus plan for a VP of Finance position. Does anyone have any tips/ideas/examples to share? Any ideas/suggestions will be appreciated.

  • Is the vacation package taxable compensation?

    The company paid for flights, cruise, hotels and meals, during vacation, for an employee and his entire family. These expenses were part of an agreement with the employee to work for 6 months more. Are these expenses taxable compensation ?

  • Hell hath no fury like a CFO scored...

    Samuel Dergel posted this article on LinkedIn today. It’s a great article, not so much in my opinion of the case outlined, but as a managerial problem. The article is here: How does one part compa…

  • Stop being the smartest person in the room

    I came across this blog entry by Peter Shankman ( Shankman founded Help A Reporter Out, (HARO) and from what I read a much sought after speaker. But lets get back to his main thesis. Should you always be the smartest person in the roo…

  • Updating Sales Compensation Structure

    My sales staff has gone from a commission only structure to a base & commission structure and I don’t think that it is working well. I was hoping for some advice about how to best audit and adjust the current plan to make it more appealing to new sales reps and cost-effective for the company.

  • Duties and liabilities of CFO’s for privately held companies

    I’m looking for authoritative guidance in regards to CFO duties and liabilities as it related to privately held companies.

  • Best periodical for the CFO?

    If you had to pick one (and only one) periodical that you subscribed to as a source of business information, news, and discussion, what would it be and why?

  • Maybe you have a logical answer; we can’t find one...

    I was sitting with some friends over this long holiday weekend; actually several groups of friends. It’s a diverse bunch, blue collar, white collar, professional, Doctors, Lawyers, Indian Chiefs, yada yada yada (Happy 25th Jerry...). Anyway, we were talking about job requirements that they’ve read …

  • What does it cost you to hire the wrong employee?

    All too often the least offensive employee is the one who passes all the hazing (and I chose that word deliberately) of multiple interviewers. How do you pick out the star from the so-so? And, what does it cost you to keep hiring the so-so employee and missing out on the star?

  • Emotional Intelligence (EI)

    I would like to find a testing suite that covers Emotional Intelligence (EI), but can’t find one out there. If you are aware of one would you please share? I have looked at cognitive testing, and other skills testing, but for higher level leadership positions I believe EI is exceptionally important…

  • Is it time to split HR?

    In this recently published article on ( the author advocates for splitting HR into an admin part residing under the CFO and a (leadership) development part which should be run by high potentials from operational parts of the business or finan…

  • An ethical conundrum

    How do you feel: A lot is written here and elsewhere about looking for jobs and the best way to look for them. That being said, what do you think of this practice that has become more than just a cottage industry. In the old days (which these days could be yesterday), a company looking to hire woul…

  • How to get Consultants to submit time sheets on time?

    Almost all the time performed by a consultant/employee is billable back to our clients. We also have to give the clients a weekly update. Our Admin Team is constantly sending out reminder emails asking for time sheets. Never have they been handed in on time. Currently they track their time in an Ex…

  • Feedback on the PEO Insperity

    Has anyone worked with the PEO Insperity? Will you share your experience with us? Thanks

  • Does anyone have any information or experience with inside sales compensation/expense programs?

    We are a relatively small manufacturer ($4-$5M sales) which has historically used outside manufacturer sales reps which are paid a flat commission. I am considering implementing an in-house managed staff of sales people, but need a good compensation and expense management plan that is fair, account…

  • What benefits paid on top of the salary must be taxed

    If an employee gets telephone allowance, taxi allowance, for exampe on top of their salaries does it have to be taxed or not in general in despite of the individual taxes systems?

  • CFO employment agreement

    Please list the current duties and responsibilities of a CFO for mid-cap listed company on Nasdaq or equivalent. What will be today’s top 10 responsibilities of a CFO? What are benefits and compensation package? Who do the CFO reports to?

  • How to ask for a pay raise when you don’t want to find a new job

    I am a tax accountant in a non-profit health care company in Tennessee. I do not have my CPA which is not required for the position although it is valued. Two years ago my company realigned the salaries in the tax and finance departments and I was bumped up to an Intermediate level based on my expe…

  • How do I handle negative peer reviews in my annual review?

    Wondering how to handle negative peer reviews during my annual review. Have not had annual review yet, but am expecting some producers to say that I do not cooperate with them. My time is sourced with heavy workload & have 5 people coming to me wanting their projects done without sourcing time …

  • Have you used a resume service to help polish your resume?

    What do you think about people doing so? Is it a great way to make yourself stand out on the job search or is it “cheating” to have help?